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Monday, May 30, 2011
Updated tour planning, part 2
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Updated tour planning, part 1
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Brooks B17 saddle review
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Boston to Natick, via Lexington (30mi)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Training fails...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Mainah loop
View actual mainah route in a larger map
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The day my patella became intimately acquainted with a Boston curb
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
New Hampshire
View Laconia friday ride? in a larger map
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Riding in the Rain
Reading Period Ride
View Reading Period Ride in a larger map
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Re diego's first blood
Monday, May 2, 2011
(Diego's) First blood
Thankfully, 'twas merely a flesh wound! I eventually rolled it off, implementing the cathartic methodology of screaming dirty words to ease the pain. Some TLC from a lovely friend, however, was what really helped :-)
Trek 520 review with panniers
Honestly, it is so sexy. I've gotten quite used to riding beater bikes around Boston for the past couple of years, which means I have a built-in resistance to saddle soreness and the daily experience of climbing hills (Tufts University is all one big hill!)
We spent lots of time researching different options, and this seemed like a reputable, solid choice for a month-long tour. It is also speedy and durable enough for the fast, metropolitan style of riding I like to do, which means it will get great use upon returning to the USA.
As someone who mostly RIDES bikes and doesn't quite fuss over the details, I don't know if certain components are significantly better/worse than others. All I know is that I feel like I can ride forever on the steel frame of the 520, it is much faster and fits better than my previous $100 Craigslist bike, and that rootbeer finish glistens in the sun like nothin' I've seen before.
I also have Axiom Laselle panniers, which are currently loaded up with:
- 3 t-shirts
- 2 shorts
- a button-up shirt
- jeans
- 4 pairs socks
- laptop
- textbook
- 2 notebooks
- towel
AHHHH I can't wait for this trip!! Gotta graduate college and keep training first.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
WISH LIST (ie. things we will have to end up buying ourselves before the trip..)
- CHAMOIS BUTT'R: "Butt'r your buns!"
- a new saddle cuz she's a girlllll
- padded bike shorts x3 (still a girl)
- a travel guitar cuz he's a music addict
Mayday Ride
View Mayday ride in a larger map